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PSY240: Psychology: Introduction to Research Methods: Access Computers

This guide contains subject matter focused on Psychology.


There are 3 printers in the library, one on each floor. The third floor has libraryP2, the second floor has libraryP1, and the first floor, or basement, has libraryP3.

Students use their Lyon College ID and password to login to the library's computers, then print by direct mapping, or by "Papercut."  The printers can scan documents into a PDF format and email them to student's email accounts or simply print paper copy.

Guests at the library can get a guest number at the front desk and pay 10 cents per sheet for use.

Save Paper When Printing Websites

Here's a great video on how to print from web sites and quickly edit the garbage out of them so paper is saved.

Trouble Shooting

If you're unable to connect, use these steps to troubleshoot:

  • Double-check that the wireless card is enabled.
  • Make sure you connect to MyResNet, and not some other network.
  • If the webpage doesn't load, check your DNS settings; they should be set to "Obtain DNS server address automatically".


The library has personal computers scattered about the library for student and guest use.  The study rooms also have computers in them and can be used on a "first come, first served" basis . 

Operating System
Windows 10

Microsoft Office 2016

Acrobat DC


Charging Station

The main lobby has a mediascape workstation capable of charging your devices.  Open the media well in the workstation to charge.



Hours and Support

Semester Hours

Sunday:  4 p.m. to Midnight
Monday - Thursday:  7:30 a.m. to Midnight
Friday:  7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Saturday:  Closed


Ask The Librarian


Off-Campus Access

How Do I Login?

When off-campus, if you are a Lyon College student, faculty, or staff member, you can use your Lyon user ID ( and your password to login when an authentication screen pops up during your use of a library database or other online service. You only have to do this once a session.

Community members who have purchased a card can use the databases in the library building but not remotely.

Having issues logging in?  Clear your cache (CTRL + SHIFT + DEL) and try again.

If you have problems accessing the databases please call Lyon support at: 870-307-7555 or contact



2300 HIGHLAND ROAD • BATESVILLE, ARKANSAS 72501 • PHONE: (870-307-7205) • FAX: (870) 307-7279