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About the Library: 2013-2016

This guide contains the nuts and bolts information about our library. Here is where you find out about our policies, assessment, history, and view the appropriate links for even more information.


Thanks to all who took part, enjoyed, worked hard, or studied for the success of The Mabee-Simpson Library of Lyon College the academic year of 2013-2014.


Camille Beary, Assistant Director and Dean Covington, Director were honored for 25 years of service to Lyon College at the annual Faculty/Staff luncheon at the beginning of the school year.





Kathy Whittenton, Public Services Librarian was also voted outstanding staff member of Lyon College for the 2013-2014 year.

President Weatherman and Kathy Whittenton


The snack bar, sponsored by the Friends of the Library, officially opened.  Students can buy chips, candy, coffe, and the like.

We have a significant collection of contemporary American poetry because of Andrea Budy's gift to the library.  Dr. Sarah Weston also contributed a special collection of American composer's piano music.


Dr. Wesley Beal presented "Nordic Invasion; or, On the Worlding of Detective Fiction" to the Friends of the Library.  He examined the arrival of Nordic detectives in fiction, TV, and film.


Army Man, a small plastic toy soldier hid every week and was successfully recovered by students who solved a literary clue.  Their reward was a snack bar treat.

Friends of the library hosted a reception for the librarians in appreciation for over 25 years of service by Kathy Whittenton, Dean Covington, and Camille Beary.

Kathy Whittenton, Camille Beary, and Dean Covington



Nurse Baker and Ms. Pitts gave flu shots to all employees who wanted them, including the library staff.  We admired their Lyon spirit.  Their theme was "Tackle The Flu" and they wore the new Lyon College Football Jerseys.  



Chi Omicron wrote statistics about domestic abuse on our windows and campaigned for money and good to go to the Batesville Battered Women's Shelter.

Chi Oicron Windows



Professor Bork's 2-D class exhibited in the library and the Art League exhibited "A Clothesline Event" at the library during Homecoming.  They also brought the Art League's Bake Sale to the library.

Professor Bork's 2-D class 2013



The library also sponsored "Barbaric Yawp Night" in which anyone who wanted could scream their lungs out about finals week.


The library also awarded a fifty dollar gift card in the annual Halloween costume contest.  The theme was Zombie Prom with literary figues.  Ophilia won.

Ophelia, Winner of the Halloween Costume Contest



The annual chili supper, bake sale, and silent auction raised money for the library and brought library lovers together for a night of fun.  Judges were Lyon College football coach Kirk Kelley, Batesville Mayor Rick Elumbaugh, and United Way Director Deanna Green.  Winner of the book award for the best mild chili was Camille Beary; best spicy chili was Dr. Tharanga Witetunge; and best soup  was Gina Garrett.

President Weatherman and Chili Lovers




An anonymous donor gave 6 original Ernie Kilman paintings to the library.  They depict historic Batesville and Lyon College.  The lobby will be their new home along with other Lyon College artist's work.

During finals students danced to a 10 minute RAVE at 10 PM.  This one is from May of 2012, but you get the idea.

Christine won Army Man and fifty dollars for competing in a week-long scavenger hunt in the library.  She had to solve daily clues on his whereabouts from the library catalog. 

Chrissy winner of Army Man Hunt



Spring 2014


Sherry Landers exhibited “To Tell A Story” in the library display case.  Her media was books and ink.

Sheery Landers Exhibit


February was National Library Lovers Month and the library celebrated by hosting a “Guess How Many Jellybeans are in the Jar” contest.   Dr. Boling tries a guess at the jellybeans.

Dr. Ron Boling

A huge pink banner was signed by those who loved their libraries and bookmarks were mailed to staff and faculty.    This month marked a fund drive for “Friends of the Library” memberships.    An exciting  “Harry Potter Trivia Contest” moderated by our own Daniel T completed the month.


Daniel, Moderator


Daniel, Moderator



Team Hufflpuff and Team Weasley really got into the spirit!


Team Hufflepuff



Team Weasley




The Harry Potter Trivia Contestants

Harry Potter Tournament






Professor Bork’s art students exhibited “Shoes” in the display case, media being masking tape.


Shoe Exhibit


Later in the month his students bedecked the library with window murals speaking of the art student’s experiences at Lyon.


Murals By Art Student


The library also purchased a “Chat Line” and students can now text the librarians at:  870-853-3542  for information.   Sonny the Cat (Kenton Adler the voice) made his debut for the freshmen. 


The Book Fair, held in conjunction with the Lyon College Scottish Festival was a great success.



Book Fair 2014


Seniors were awarded prizes for reading the most books.  Maeleen won first with 242, Molly second with 141, and Tegan third with 117 books. 

The Primal Scream let students vent some finals frustration.  After they yelled, everyone went over to the dining hall for a late night breakfast.



Army Man returned when the students did for Fall term.  He hid in the books and DVDs and the students had to find him by using the online library catalog and hints from the library.  The winners received a snack from the library's snack bar, which is open by the way, any time the library is open.


The library also sent 300 flyers to Student Life for the Freshmen Welcome Packets.  These had basic information such as services, hours, collections, etc. 



In order to increase the campus'  awareness of the Tornado Cross, the good Reverend William Branch conducted chapel on the 18th at the Tornado Cross Garden at the library.  Students learned the history of the Tornado Cross and the importance of the word "Ebenezer."  His sermon and a write-up by Angelica Holmes are also on our webpages.




The library took down the Hogarth prints and installed gallery railing on the second floor near the commuter lounge.  Friends of the Library plan on purchasing juried Lyon College student art to hang here annually.  The Hogarth prints are now in the map drawer ready for study anytime.



Dr. Amy Schmidt and editor of the Wheelbarrow Madeline Roberts cut the cake at the reception of the first ever Wheelbarrow reading.  Sigma Tau Deltas and Friends of the Library hosted a night of poetry, readings, and art published in the Wheelbarrow, Spring 2014.  To see the photo album look for "Wheelbarrow Reception" in the photos at our Facebook site: The Mabee-Simpson Library.  Students, faculty, and staff contribute to the Wheelbarrow every year.  This was the 44th year for the Wheelbarrow to be published.  Congratulations!





Students at Lyon wrote statistics about domestic violence on the library's windows for display and stood these manikins outside the library for the week of Oct 28th.  This week was Domestic Violence Week and students staged several events in conjunction with local and regional organizations to raise awareness of domestic violence.




Chili Cook Off, Thursday the 20th, 5 to 7 PM
All had a great time.  Our judges this year were Jimmy Bell, Carole Douglas, and Kirk Kelley.  All were happy chili eaters as seen above.


Robert Austin took away best soup for his "Cajun Bean Gumbo."


Dustyn Bork and Carly Dahl won first spicy chili with their "Ghost Pepper Chili."


Phi Mu carried away the prize for best mild chili!






Study Nights

SI (Supplemental Instruction) leaders, Sigma Tau Delta, and Mortar Board hosted food and study nights at the library for the week before finals.  Students, especially Freshmen were encouraged to drop by at 10 PM and gather food, study supplies and caffeine to study at the library until 1 in the morning. Shown below is Mortar Board handing out study supplies, coffee, and hot chocolate.


Massage Mania invaded the library again thanks to student life.  From 11 to 3, students could get a free massage in the library lobby.  Carole Douglas, retention specialist, was also giving out prizes for the program "Lyon Listens."



 The library also held another 10 @ 10 RAVE @ the library.  We had a big crowd and all had fun for 10 minutes.  See this link for a video clip of the fun.  

RAVE2014LyonCollege   This picture is before the fun started.



It was a very productive semester for the library, with a record door count in October alone of 12,495 visitors.  The Friends of the Library held a very successful chili cook off fund raiser and the library hosted Sigma Tau Delta in their first Fall presentation of "The  Wheelbarrow."  A new approach for the library was the pre-finals week with honor societies at Lyon hosting food and study nights.  Many other organizations held bake sales and such in the lobby for fund raisers this year.  Check our  Calendar for future events.


This summary only mentions events in the library.  In January reports will be run that tell us how many students were researching our databases and online resources from their homes or dorm rooms.  I suspect that number will also be record breaking.  Stay tuned.


-Camille Beary, Assistant Director of The Mabee-Simpson Library


January 2015

For Martin Luther King day, the library displayed pictures by Carol Cloar in the display case.  Cloar painted many scenes from the American South and Delta culture.  The Dahlquist shelf also contained history books about the civil rights struggle of King.





The library surveyed the student population of Juniors and Seniors this year.  The winner received a 50 dollar check, courtesy of Friends of the Library.  Jamie Jones, Senior Guard for the Scots Basketball team won!  Links to results of this survey are at:  Survey.








The display case was filled with a wonderful art collection designed by student Chin-Yee Chew, senior at Lyon and recently appointed Fullbright Scholar. She'll be teaching English in Vietnam in 2016.  









Lindsey Chambers displays her work from the Advanced Concepts Art Class at the Friends of the Library Gallery on the third floor. 






Circle K International sold popcorn in the library lobby.  The smell was incredible.   Dr. Cassia Oliveira, first in line, is their sponsor.




On a cold winter's night: The Beatles! We had a great crowd and all enjoyed Dr. Stinson's talk about that famous rock band, regardless of the record cold night outside.  Friends of the Library provided a wonderful reception afterward.





Dr. Bork's art students also decorated our windows with pattern collections. 




March was a busy month preparing for April!  For the first time ever, the library hosted an art show with works solely by faculty and staff's children.  We had a huge turn out for the event in April during Scottish Festival week and the Annual Book Fair at the library.

Sherilyn is shown preparing name plaques for all the participants.  




Shown below is Katie, cutting out banners for the library's facade for Scottish Festival in April.




Where to begin?  April is a flury of last of the year activities, graduation goodbyes, awards, book fairs, and so much more.  



Dr. Bork's 2-D class displayed wonderful works in our lobby windows.


Book Fair

The library also had the book fair in conjunction with Scottish Festival.  It was another banner year for the library's sale.





The "From 1 to 21" Art Show

For the first time, the library hosted an art show that consisted of art from the faculty and staff's children and teenagers.  It was a great success and many enjoyed the reception during the week of Scot Fest.  Here are some shots of our talent at Lyon.









Libris Award

This year we started the Libris Award which is for the outstanding student assistant working at the library.  Students are nominated by fellow library workers and library staff.  The winner must display outstanding attitude, dependability, knowledge, interaction, personal appearance, and a few other attributes to be eligible for the award.  5 students were nominated and Daniel Trinh won!  He received a plaque, 100 dollars, and his name is engraved on a plaque the library will keep behind the front desk.  Thanks to Friends of the Library for funding the Libris Award.

Daniel Trinh




 Our seniors also received good bye gift cards at the annual Student Life Awards.   Show below are Daniel, Bridgett, Chrissy, and Nikki.  







Library Book Awards

Every year in the Spring the library tallies up who has read the most books for the academic year.  This year's winners were Lesley, Rob, and Bridget. They won goody bags of candy and snacks.


Leslie won first place for reading 313 books this academic year.





Rob came in second by reading 213 books.



And Bridgett, on the right, read 182!





Massage Mania came to the library again during finals week along with Lyon Listens, a program were students complete a survey sent out weekly and win prizes at the end of the year for participating.  Students could come by the library and pick out their prize according to how many times they had completed a survey.  Some of their prizes included a Kindle Fire, Single Serve Coffee Pot, Tent, and jump drives.  






And the final event of the year of course was graduation.  It rained.  But the gym was fine!  Shown below is a very happy Rachelle.


Army Man returned when the students did for Fall term.  He hid in the books and DVDs and the students had to find him by using the online library catalog and hints from the library.  The winners received a snack from the library's snack bar, which is open by the way, any time the library is open.


The library also sent 300 flyers to Student Life for the Freshmen Welcome Packets.  These had basic information such as services, hours, collections, etc. 



In order to increase the campus'  awareness of the Tornado Cross, the good Reverend William Branch conducted chapel on the 18th at the Tornado Cross Garden at the library.  Students learned the history of the Tornado Cross and the importance of the word "Ebenezer."  




The library took down the Hogarth prints and installed gallery railing on the second floor near the commuter lounge.  Friends of the Library plan on purchasing juried Lyon College student art to hang here annually.  The Hogarth prints are now in the map drawer ready for study anytime.



Dr. Amy Schmidt and editor of the Wheelbarrow Madeline Roberts cut the cake at the reception of the first ever Wheelbarrow reading.  Sigma Tau Deltas and Friends of the Library hosted a night of poetry, readings, and art published in the Wheelbarrow, Spring 2014.  To see the photo album look for "Wheelbarrow Reception" in the photos at our Facebook site: The Mabee-Simpson Library.  Students, faculty, and staff contribute to the Wheelbarrow every year.  This was the 44th year for the Wheelbarrow to be published.  Congratulations!





Students at Lyon wrote statistics about domestic violence on the library's windows for display and stood these manikins outside the library for the week of Oct 28th.  This week was Domestic Violence Week and students staged several events in conjunction with local and regional organizations to raise awareness of domestic violence.




Chili Cook Off, Thursday the 20th, 5 to 7 PM
All had a great time.  Our judges this year were Jimmy Bell, Carole Douglas, and Kirk Kelley.  All were happy chili eaters as seen above.


Robert Austin took away best soup for his "Cajun Bean Gumbo."


Dustyn Bork and Carly Dahl won first spicy chili with their "Ghost Pepper Chili."


Phi Mu carried away the prize for best mild chili!






Study Nights

SI (Supplemental Instruction) leaders, Sigma Tau Delta, and Mortar Board hosted food and study nights at the library for the week before finals.  Students, especially Freshmen were encouraged to drop by at 10 PM and gather food, study supplies and caffeine to study at the library until 1 in the morning. Shown below is Mortar Board handing out study supplies, coffee, and hot chocolate.


Massage Mania invaded the library again thanks to student life.  From 11 to 3, students could get a free massage in the library lobby.  Carole Douglas, retention specialist, was also giving out prizes for the program "Lyon Listens."



 The library also held another 10 @ 10 RAVE @ the library.  We had a big crowd and all had fun for 10 minutes.  See this link for a video clip of the fun.  

RAVE2014LyonCollege   This picture is before the fun started.



It was a very productive semester for the library, with a record door count in October alone of 12,495 visitors.  The Friends of the Library held a very successful chili cook off fund raiser and the library hosted Sigma Tau Delta in their first Fall presentation of "The  Wheelbarrow."  A new approach for the library was the pre-finals week with honor societies at Lyon hosting food and study nights.  Many other organizations held bake sales and such in the lobby for fund raisers this year.

This summary only mentions events in the library.  In January reports will be run that tell us how many students were researching our databases and online resources from their homes or dorm rooms. 


January 2015

For Martin Luther King day, the library displayed pictures by Carol Cloar in the display case.  Cloar painted many scenes from the American South and Delta culture.  The Dahlquist shelf also contained history books about the civil rights struggle of King.




The library surveyed the student population of Juniors and Seniors this year.  The winner received a 50 dollar check, courtesy of Friends of the Library.  Jamie Jones, Senior Guard for the Scots Basketball team won!  


The display case was filled with a wonderful art collection designed by student Chin-Yee Chew, senior at Lyon and recently appointed Fullbright Scholar. She'll be teaching English in Vietnam in 2016.  


Lindsey Chambers displays her work from the Advanced Concepts Art Class at the Friends of the Library Gallery on the third floor. 

Circle K International sold popcorn in the library lobby.  The smell was incredible.   Dr. Cassia Oliveira, first in line, is their sponsor.


On a cold winter's night: The Beatles! We had a great crowd and all enjoyed Dr. Stinson's talk about that famous rock band, regardless of the record cold night outside.  Friends of the Library provided a wonderful reception afterward.


Dr. Bork's art students also decorated our windows with pattern collections. 


March was a busy month preparing for April!  For the first time ever, the library hosted an art show with works solely by faculty and staff's children.  We had a huge turn out for the event in April during Scottish Festival week and the Annual Book Fair at the library.

Sherilyn is shown preparing name plaques for all the participants.  


Shown below is Katie, cutting out banners for the library's facade for Scottish Festival in April.




Where to begin?  April is a flury of last of the year activities, graduation goodbyes, awards, book fairs, and so much more.  



Dr. Bork's 2-D class displayed wonderful works in our lobby windows.


Book Fair

The library also had the book fair in conjunction with Scottish Festival.  It was another banner year for the library's sale.


The "From 1 to 21" Art Show

For the first time, the library hosted an art show that consisted of art from the faculty and staff's children and teenagers.  It was a great success and many enjoyed the reception during the week of Scot Fest.  Here are some shots of our talent at Lyon.









Libris Award

This year we started the Libris Award which is for the outstanding student assistant working at the library.  Students are nominated by fellow library workers and library staff.  The winner must display outstanding attitude, dependability, knowledge, interaction, personal appearance, and a few other attributes to be eligible for the award.  5 students were nominated and Daniel Trinh won!  He received a plaque, 100 dollars, and his name is engraved on a plaque the library will keep behind the front desk.  Thanks to Friends of the Library for funding the Libris Award.

Daniel Trinh


 Our seniors also received good bye gift cards at the annual Student Life Awards.   Show below are Daniel, Bridgett, Chrissy, and Nikki.  


Library Book Awards

Every year in the Spring the library tallies up who has read the most books for the academic year.  This year's winners were Lesley, Rob, and Bridget. They won goody bags of candy and snacks.


Leslie won first place for reading 313 books this academic year.


Rob came in second by reading 213 books.


And Bridgett, on the right, read 182!


Massage Mania came to the library again during finals week along with Lyon Listens, a program were students complete a survey sent out weekly and win prizes at the end of the year for participating.  Students could come by the library and pick out their prize according to how many times they had completed a survey.  Some of their prizes included a Kindle Fire, Single Serve Coffee Pot, Tent, and jump drives.  


And the final event of the year of course was graduation.  It rained.  But the gym was fine!  Shown below is a very happy Rachelle.

July and August

July and August were the month of repair and redo.  All the tattered study chairs were reupholstered, the study rooms painted, and all the stuffed furniture and carpets shampooed and treated.  Automatic doors were also installed for the handicapped.  And a new microfilm machine graces the corner, complete with networked printing capabilities and a save to your own flashdrive option for printing later.



Weeks of Welcome also brought the new students of Lyon to the library for tours.  


Professors started bringing their classes to the library for basic and advanced library orientation.  Shown here is Dr. Sung's Political Science class.



Many naps were taken in the beginning days of class.



Dr. Hutton's class once again used the library's porch to teach a lesson about physics.  Students shot water guns and predicted their trajectory and such.



A display of Presidents graced the case with the Dahlquist shelf holding books about American Presidents.







The academic year saw the return of Army Man.  Clues were sent out on Lyon's app and email.  If the student found the small plastic soldier hiding in a book, he or she received a prize of a snack from the library's snack bar.  Several winners found Army Man.  



Our desk staff really got into the spirit of Halloween.  Josie is the character of Kurapika.




Kathy and Dr. Gehm were on the trivia team at the Humane Society Bash and won first place!  The trophy was proudly displayed at the front desk for several months.



The Chili Cook-Off was a great success even with the torrential downpour and Lake Couch forming in front of the library!  Many thanks go to the Friends of the Library for their continued support of our library.



All had a great time.  Dustyn Bork AGAIN won best spicy chili!  And the Phi Mu girls AGAIN racked up another win for best mild!  That's 2 years in a row!



Polly Livingston, one of our Board members for Friends of the Library, gets to know the students.





SI (Supplemental Instruction) leaders,Mortar Board, and Sigma Tau Delta hosted food and study nights at the library for the week before finals.  Students, especially Freshmen were encouraged to drop by and get acquainted with the honor groups and  gather food, study supplies and caffeine to study at the library until 1 in the morning. Shown below are some of the members of those groups.



The library held it's annual 10 @ 10 RAVE @ the library.  We turn the lights out, break out the wands and boogie for ten minutes.  Then it's lights up and study for finals!







January 2016

Presidential Purchase Prizes are now being hung in the third floor gallery of the library.  Here's a sampling:





In appreciation for the many good deeds and hard work for Friends of the Library, these special ladies recieved a pin before the "Wheelbarrow" audience.   Shown are Dean Covington, director of the library with Polly Livingston, Dr. Helen Robbins, Gina Garrett, and Dr. Martha Beck.




Friends of the Library hosted the annual "Wheelbarrow" reading.  Professor Dr. Tebbetts read a poem as one of the participants.  The Wheelbarrow is an annual juried collection of literature and art selected and published by Sigma Tau Delta, the international English honor society of Lyon College.




Professor Bork's Art Class adorned the library windows with paper tile projects.  Our student worker Cassie, works on her project while tending the front desk.




Dr. Beal's English classes came by for library instruction and also a scavenger hunt in the library worth points!




CKI (Circle K International) hosted a hot chocolate night at the library.  It was warmly welcomed, especially the real whipped cream!



Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) painted our windows! They raised awareness with the "End It' movement about human trafficking.



The library surveyed the student population of Freshmen and Sophomores this February.  The winner received a 100 dollar check, courtesy of Friends of the Library.  Ridge Hester won!  Links to results of this survey are at:  Survey.


As soon as the "End It" movement students cleaned off the windows, in came Professor Bork's class with 2-D art.  The library activily encourages our art students to display their works and we are delighted when the art professors come over with something for us to display.


Dr. Lien's 400 History class came over for some advanced research for primary sources.  Shown are some of his students.


Danny Dozier also presented Dean Covington with an original recording machine owned by Dr. John Quincy Wolf, who recorded the folk songs in our Regional Collection of Ozark folk songs many years ago.





The Art Student League had a bake sale fund raiser to buy art supplies for Chin-Yee Chew's art students in Vietnam.  Chin-Yee is teaching in Vietnam on a Fullbright Scholarship.


Friends of the Library voted to purchase an art piece from the annual juried student show at Lyon.  The "Friends of the Library Purchase Prize" was for: Pickle, by Benjamin Elton, class of 2016.


The Skip Rutherford collection called "Skip" was also officially housed in its new cabinet by the Regional Collection Center.  We thank Mr. Rutherford for giving us his personal collection of books written by and about Arkansas and its personalities.



The annual book fair was also held during ScotFest.  It was a resounding success this year with lots of visitors from ScotFest coming in for a look.




As finals rolled around, the Massage Mania crew came to the library.  Below is the constant line for a massage during the three days they occupied our lobby.  


As massages were given, so were prizes being awarded by Lyon Listens.  Jonathan Davey is shown drawing for winners with Carole Douglas.   Students who participated in the weekly surveys of Lyon Listens could put their names in the drawing. 



The annual book award for most books read by seniors was also presented.  The top three winners were Kayla, Rachel, and Marvin.  They won goody bags of candy and snacks.  Shown are Kayla and Rachel.



The Libris Award is for the outstanding student assistant working at the library.  Students are nominated by fellow library workers and library staff.  The winner must display outstanding attitude, dependability, knowledge, interaction, personal appearance, and a few other attributes to be eligible for the award.  The winner was Rachel!  She received a plaque, 100 dollars, and her name is engraved on a plaque the library will keep behind the front desk. Thanks to Friends of the Library for funding the Libris Award.  The award was presented at Honors Day Convocation.


And finally, farewell and good-bye to our Director Dean Covington, who has accepted the Director of Libraries position at the University of Conway.  Judy Blackwell also resigned to seek other career paths.  We wish you all the very best.


Semester Hours

Sunday:  4 p.m. to Midnight
Monday - Thursday:  7:30 a.m. to Midnight
Friday:  7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Saturday:  Closed


Ask The Librarian


How Do I Login?

When off-campus, if you are a Lyon College student, faculty, or staff member, you can use your Lyon user ID ( and your password to login when an authentication screen pops up during your use of a library database or other online service. You only have to do this once a session.

Community members who have purchased a card can use the databases in the library building but not remotely.

Having issues logging in?  Clear your cache (CTRL + SHIFT + DEL) and try again.

If you have problems accessing the databases please call Lyon support at: 870-307-7555 or contact



2300 HIGHLAND ROAD • BATESVILLE, ARKANSAS 72501 • PHONE: (870-307-7205) • FAX: (870) 307-7279